Friday was the first of the series, with us being thrown in the pit with the masters racers. I attacked off the front later in the race for some reason by myself. Fortunately, another guy name Tyler from Pacesetters thought it'd be a good idea, and he had a teammate bring him up to me soon afterwards. We were quickly joined by another guy and established our break to finish the field off three deep. I ended up third!
Saturday saw us racing a great course in Marietta, GA that is used in the Georgia Games weekend. Saturday AM was a decent race for me, in that I got 9th overall, but bad in that I missed the break-away of 5 guys and was left in the unmotivated pack to sprint for the 3 money spots left.
Saturday Evening was at the same course, and I was much better off here, getting in a two man break with another guy from Mellow Mushroom who was really strong. For some idiotic reason I decided to let the pain win this time and dropped off our break to drift back to the pack. My break-mate had another plan, and he solo'd for the victory. I did end up attacking a little early towards the end, though, and came away with 5th place.
Yesterday was the best of the weekend, with me getting in another break with 5 other guys mid-way through the race. I stuck it this time, learning my lesson from the day before, and came out with 2nd on the day! I had my favorite podium mate with me, and the whole weekend was a great success!

reciprocation. your coach here. man you've come a long way.
Dustin would you please just cat on up to a 2! Give us other smucks a chance to taste some glory or at least those big checks! What is one man going to do with all that money any ways? You can also take all those other "hammerheads" with you, I won't complain!!!
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