Saturday, November 29, 2008

Must Be Something in the Dressing!

I'm sick, and it sucks! I'm not hardcore puking sick, but I am bad upset stomach sick, and that's just as bad. You can't sit on a bike saddle when your butt hurts, lol. On another note, my wife and son are both sick as well. I also went to Black Friday at Wal-Mart yesterday and picked up a new Mario special edition DS.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm thankful for many things, but losing personal items is not one of them. Yes, I'm a video game nerd, and I've lost my Legend of Zelda Triforce Edition Nintendo DS. Sucks, I know! On a more serious note, my wife has been searching high and low for my favorite "carry-on", second only to my Iphone. She has straight up been a trooper putting up with my baby-ish whining about losing it and helping me to try and find it. I put some "extra" bike parts I have lying around so I can purchase another DS if need be, but I'm hoping it won't come to that.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sometimes it’s hard to decide when sick is “sick enough” to not ride the bike. In my opinion, a simple sinus issue is not something to defer me from riding. If that issue even hints at getting worse, though, I’ll take a day or two off. Hope left the heat on a couple nights ago which I guess dried out my throat, because I woke up w/ it being sore. Last night we turned it down, but I was a bit worse today. I’m on the verge of it being okay to ride and me having to take a day off. I guess we’ll see. It’s much better to take a day or two off and recoup than it is to lose a whole week to sickness because I was too stubborn to rest.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Still Here I guess...

Rode 3 hours today. 245 avg. power w/ 256 normalized. Guess I'll keep posting. The long ride made me miss church, but it didn't really hit me that church starts earlier than it used to (6:00 instead of 6:30). The bible reading w/ me and Hope is going well. We read a chapter or two a night and I'm already learning tons. Mainly a scripture from Matthew that speaks about judging people. I'm not 100% on the exact nomenclature, but it talks about seeing a speck in your brother's eye, but not being able to see the log in your own. Sit back and think about it for a minute, and if you're like me, you might get something from it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What should I do?

I’ve been debating for a while on what to do with my blog. I know people visit it because the counter keeps climbing. I’ve been told by a “local” that “Only self-absorbed people have blogs”, which very well may be true. This blogging thing has caused me to say some stupid things in the past, and I already have enough enemies as it is. I guess what I’m getting at is I’m thinking of calling it quits. I am on Twitter now, which is an interesting new way to do a sort of “live blog”, and it’s working out pretty well. Twitter isn’t quite as personal as sitting here and typing up stuff. You just put in what you’re doing and you’re done. If any of you that read, whether you be family or friend, want me to keep on posting, gimme a reply or something to this and let me know why. Let me know what you want to hear about as opposed to “me,me,me”. I don’t know what else to write about, but gimme some ideas! Recent events have led me to try and change the way I think about things. I changed my little caption up top to “I don’t want to gain the whole world, and lose my soul”, which is an excerpt from a song by Toby Mac, a Christian artist. I guess it means that in light of recent events and the way I’ve handled things incorrectly, I don’t want to become successful in cycling if it means losing my soul. I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made thus far in this game and push people aside in trying to climb the ladder to a possible career. I’ve also not been fair to my spiritual growth and wife. I haven’t really had a “dialogue” with God in quite some time, so this week Hope and I started sharing in reading the Bible again like we did before we got married. I think most of the issues I’ve had with the decisions I’ve made and with people personally has been because of my position with my faith. I haven’t necessarily “back-slid” to the point of doing anything awful, but I have stopped taking other people into consideration at times when decisions affected more than just me personally. I’ve also been short-tempered with Hope and taken the support and love I get from her for granted. I guess this all boils down to my priorities. I truly feel if I just ride my bike, thank God for the ability to ride bike, my supportive and wonderful wife, family, and friends, and start controlling my “mouth diarrhea” that my life would be much MUCH better!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Not as Bad This Time!

So I ran again today since I had no riding planned. I only ran 2 miles, but had just purchased some new Asics shoes that I got an uber-deal (only 20 bucks from original 70 after discounts and an old gift card)on. This run was MUCH different from the last one a week ago. I have NO leg pain this time, which is a HUGE plus. I also used a new Iphone APP called iMapmyrun which was cool. Check out the link to see the details on my run:

Click here to see my run!

Regardless, I was super fast, but I did feel great!

Monday, November 3, 2008


I figured I’d throw this up here real quick while my programs were opening up this morning at work. I’m a cyclist, and am definitely no runner. This past week was a total week off the bike, which the option to run or something if I wanted. I didn’t do anything all week, and then decided to try and run w/ a friend yesterday. First of all, I thought we were running about 3 miles, which seemed quite daunting to me in the first place not having ran since 2003. Second, this guy is probably the best cyclist/runner I know, meaning he does well at both. Third, we didn't run 3 miles, we ran about 4.5 miles! To make a really long story short, and because my programs just opened, I used muscles I haven’t since 03, and you know how that turns out. I can barely walk today!