Monday, November 3, 2008


I figured I’d throw this up here real quick while my programs were opening up this morning at work. I’m a cyclist, and am definitely no runner. This past week was a total week off the bike, which the option to run or something if I wanted. I didn’t do anything all week, and then decided to try and run w/ a friend yesterday. First of all, I thought we were running about 3 miles, which seemed quite daunting to me in the first place not having ran since 2003. Second, this guy is probably the best cyclist/runner I know, meaning he does well at both. Third, we didn't run 3 miles, we ran about 4.5 miles! To make a really long story short, and because my programs just opened, I used muscles I haven’t since 03, and you know how that turns out. I can barely walk today!

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