Thursday, May 1, 2008

It hit the wallet...

So Hope and I were sitting in the living room last night, Hope on the couch and I on my trainer for a short recovery ride, and we were looking at our current finances. A person’s financial situation is a private thing, and I don’t plan on telling how much either of us make, but we are both very blessed to make enough to have a nice house, nice vehicles, and other things. While Hope was doing the checkbook, the main idea was to see how much racing has been costing us by driving my car and hers. The numbers may amaze you, as they did me when she told me. If I have two relatively close races, which would to me be defined as driving 2-3 hours total each weekend day, Our weekly gas costs run in the neighborhood of 160 dollars for Hope’s car, but a respectable 200 dollars for mine! Now I’m no genius, but that would indicate that we are spending in upwards of almost 800 dollars a month just to drive! We both had a serious talk about what to do, and it seems that right now we’re just going to sit it out and see how things go with me driving her car around on the weekends, since I’m the one putting in serious mileage. If nothing’s going, I’m going to start riding my bicycle to work at least 2 days a week to offset some more costs. If that doesn’t work, I really don’t know what to do. We can’t afford to get me another car, nor can we afford to operate my car at that cost. I guess the next step would be asking for a raise at work, which right now is out of the question with how slow the residential building industry is. This gas deal is really hitting us all in the wallet!


Anonymous said...

with added expenses for a baby and new priorities you may end up not racing as far away as you have in the past. I know the effects of the gas are hitting everyone. Family first, afterall your not getting paid to ride that two wheeler. :)

Fried Apple News said...

you couldn't be more...correct..there, I said it, lol...My wife agrees that a car change could be in the future for me since the Subie gets only's very justifiable to purchase a 30mpg car now, as the savings would make payments, lol

Anonymous said...


Would it kill you to miss a race or two? I had a friend who use to race bikes, I know it isn't cheap by any means of the word, but she sometimes had to miss alot of races because the money was not there even with her sponserships. Don't be silly and selfish and cause your family to sacrifice because of bike racing!!! If it don't pay...just do it when it is practical for you and the family. You still look to be a young man, take time sweetie. My friend turned pro in road cycling, but it took her years and years and she did not do it by hitting every race there was...pace brother...pace. She wisely choose her battles and it also refresher her since she wasn't on the road constantly. Good luck but be smart.

Your friend,


Anonymous said...

Bikers suk! You guys are all dopers!! bikers make other sports look clean! Soccer is the real sport!

Emilio Azteka-A.k.a The Aztec Warrior!!!

Fried Apple News said...

interesting emilio....regardless, i have backed out of some upcoming races due to def. comes first..

Anonymous said...

Emilio- Soccer should be the only sport allowed on Earth. It is the best! I love it and so do you, you just don't know it yet. Play soccer and leave the lesser sports behind. Soccer for Life!!!! From the Aztec Warrior of Soccer Land. Soccer takes some big balls to play!!! Cycling not so much! Dustin I see that you would be a great soccer player, you got legs and big heart, I could let you play on my team with my balls, I have lots of balls, if you lived here where I live I would let you use my stuff!