Thursday, February 21, 2008

An interesting quote, and it's relevance...

I frequent the PEZ Cycling News website. I feel that their views on training philosophy and pack tactics are closely related to the way I feel about the same. I found a very interesting quote on there a day or two ago, which was:

The biggest thing that has helped me is confidence in my preparation. I know I’ve done what I needed to do, regardless of how I’m going at that time.
-Ben Jacques-Maynes

Take a minute to read over that, and then read it again. Here's what it means to me. From a team standpoint, I know for a fact that almost my entire team has been very dedicated to their winter training, hardly missing a day off the bike. I've ridden the Winter Bike League in Athens, GA with some of my teammates, and in all honesty feel that we've prepared ourselves. I know last season I had a problem with being angry with myself when I didn't perform the way I felt I should, and this quote helps me understand better that the rest of my team felt the same way more than likely, but they just didn't show it quite as outwardly as me. Everyone feels "defeated" when they didn't do as well as they felt they should. We took many podiums last season. I can't remember the number, but it was alot. On a team of about 10 guys last season, that's incredible to take part in such a large amount of podium appearances. Still, with all that, there's still that feeling of defeat sometimes. I think the mentally fit cyclist is able to look past these times and just tell themselves that no matter what, they've done their job and prepared. You can't win every race you're in. I feel that we're there as a team, and I'm there as an individual. We're ready.

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