Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Intervals and some Tour of California.

I did some nasty supra-lactate threshold intervals tonight, and boy did they stink! The only way I was able to finish the last one is because I was greatly motivated by the final attacks into the finish of today's stage of the Tour of California. Just as I finished the final seconds, so did the pro peloton. I then headed over to Habersham Bicycles to watch my team finish up their suffering which takes place weekly. I go whenever I can, but my wife being pregnant along with my work schedule usually prevent me from enjoying attendance of this. The excitement for our first race as a team is still building. This Sunday is our first "team" race at the BMW Performance Center in South Carolina, and we've got some heavy hitters this year. Last year we did well as a team, but a break got away and was never brought back. This year, who knows what'll happen. Regardless, I can't give away our super-top-secret team strategy.

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