Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Which is the reason I haven't really posted lately. I rode really hard this past weekend, logging about 7-8 hours total for the weekend, and had some well-deserved rest yesterday and the day before. Today I was semi-at it again and did a good ol' unstructured ride with a couple guys. I did throw in some hard efforts, but kept my overall average down to 180-185 watts, and had a really good time. Having a set training regimine prevents me from ever really getting to just get out and have a fun ride with attacks thrown wherever. Rides like this refresh you even though they are a bit tough at times, and sometimes are way too hard, like my Tuesday night group rides. Today was nowhere near as hard as a Tuesday night group ride, but it was a ton of fun, and I feel great now! I have a 20 min. power test tomorrow, the last of which came at the end of last season. That one resulted in an average of 278 watts, so I'm excited to see what I can put down tomorrow.

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